Misc. sketches
These are small, rough drawings I added to the even-numbered sketch pages.
5/7 2004
8/9 2004
10/11 2004
12 2004
1 2005

2/7 2005
{Book 1 - 2004-2005}
5/7 2004
#  - Self portrait, a monkey, a cat
#  - Hopping bird, dog, cat, star
#  - Doom Patrol doodle
#  - Mr. Happy Sun
#  - Spinning top, turtle
#  - Prospective outfit model (formal)
#  - Attempt at buffalo and possible cowboy outfit
#  - Cell phone
#  - Harry Potter characters
#  - Front image drafts, kitty, ducky, buffalo
#  - Alice in Wonderland characters
#  - Random doodles, self-sketch 
#  - Cleopatra, ugly duckling
#  - Trump cariacature, squirrel
#  - Pigeons
#  - Potential site front image
8/9 2004
10/11 2004
#  - Mice, a cow, a fish, a chicken
#  - Another chicken
#  - A pie, an ogre, some figures, a unicorn
#  - Sharp pointy things
#  - The Alamo
#  - Armadillo, finger rings, a shoe
#  - Retractable ethernet cord and Mr. Grumpy Cloud
#  - Mexican drink and attire
#  - Folding chair
#  - The Sunsphere
#  - Snail and weather symbols
#  - Kitties
#  - Phantom of the Opera mask, rose, clarinet
#  - Banana, squash, and Santa
#  - Russian drink, SD card, pinata
#  - Ice-covered tree and beanie elephant
#  - Children's blocks
12 2004
#  - Eggs Benedict on toast and cotton
#  - Carnations from a centerpiece
#  - Novelty shower curtain rings and old boot
#  - Hand towel and poinsettia
#  - Fat Elvis and a turkey
#  - Cat chasing rabbit and cute kittty
#  - Piggy band and Lady Vols logo
#  - Horse
1 2005
2/7 2005
#  - Dogs at the park
#  - More doggies
#  - Monkey, kitty, me
#  - Various animals
#  - Leaves, flower, Turkish symbol
#  - Various tropical fish
#  - Elaborate light fixture
#  - Pigeon and squirrel
#  - Tree
#  - Flowers and seagull